
miércoles, 4 de diciembre de 2013

Lee Young Lee emula a Sandy Skoglund.

 Descubrimos gracias a COLOSSAL un proyecto fotográfico de Jee Young Lee, quien convierte el espacio de su estudio en oníricos decorados de aparincia virtual o digital. El resultado es hermoso y sugerente, además de crítico con nuestra percepción de qué es la realidad en relación al soporte de las imágenes que nos proporciona el arte. Sería bastante sorprendente si no nos remitiera a los trabajos fotográficos realizados en soporte analógico (cybachrome, para ser más exactos) por Sandy Skoglund a finales de los años 80 del siglo pasado. Para los que no conozcais la obra de esta artista os dejo algunas muestras de sus trabajos claramente precursores de los de Lee Young Lee.

(extracto de COLOSSAL)

Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non-Digital Dreamscapes

Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
It’s always amazing to witness at artist who embraces one of their greatest limitations, turning it instead into one of their greatest advantages. For Korean artist JeeYoung Lee the question was how to utilize her small studio space in Seoul measuring 11.8′ x 13.5′ x 7.8′ (3.6m x 4.1m x 2.4m) that was proportionally miniscule to the scale of her boundless imagination. Instead of finding a new location or reverting to digital trickery, Lee challenged herself to build some of the most elaborate sets imaginable for the sake of taking a single photograph.
These surreal and dreamlike images are the result of Lee’s determination to share stories from her own life as well as various Korean fables by completely manifesting everything you see in reality. Lee labors for weeks and months to create the aspects of each scene complete with a multitude of handmade props, suspended objects, and unique lighting requirements, all of which might normally be ripe for the use of Photoshop that could shave weeks off production time—however the artist shuns all digital manipulation and instead focuses on creating even the most minute details by hand.
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
Treasure Hunt
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
Panic Room
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
I’ll Be Back
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
The Little Match Girl
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
My Chemical Romance
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
Last Supper
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
Maiden Voyage
Artist JeeYoung Lee Converts Her Tiny Studio Into Absurdly Elaborate Non Digital Dreamscapes surreal installation
A recent graduate of Hongik University in Seoul and recipient of the Sovereign Art Prize in 2012, Lee opens her first European exhibition at Opiom Gallery in Opio, France titled Stage of Mind starting February 7, 2014. You can read and see more over on My Modern Met.

A continuación, os ofrezco algunos ejemplos de Sandy Skoglund:

Aunque, sin duda, siempre podríamos encontrar ejemplos de obras que nos remiten a aspectos formales similares, a saber...

Patricia Piccinini:

Alexander Timtschenko:

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