
sábado, 24 de agosto de 2013

Movimientos humanos convertidos en esculturas. Arte digital y Arte analógico.

Diversos artistas aúnan fuerzas en JL Design para convertir las trayectorias del movimiento del cuerpo humano en objetos tridimensionales, en escultura.

(Extracto de COLOSSAL)

Human Movement Converted Into Digital Sculptures

Human Movement Converted Into Digital Sculptures motion capture digital advertising
Human Movement Converted Into Digital Sculptures motion capture digital advertising
Human Movement Converted Into Digital Sculptures motion capture digital advertising
I’m really enjoying the visuals in this series of four idents for CCTV that translate human motion into digitally sculpted objects that look like steel, water, and wood. The clips were created by Taiwan design house JL Design and KORB. If you liked this also check out the photography of Shinichi Maruyama or Choros.

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