
miércoles, 11 de abril de 2012

"What if..." El arte de la simulación icónica de Peter Stults.

"What if..." Movies reimagined for another time & place

  • "What if..." Movies reimagined for another time & place...
  • Awhile back a friend of mine forwarded me a site (http://hartter.blogspot.com/2009/11/misc.html) where artist Sean Hartter made posters of films that, title wise, we were familiar with, but there was a slight difference; they were remade as if they belonged to a different era or a different genre, the name of the movie was there, but the actors were different, the style was different, and I loved the concept. So I went forward with this theme; what if movies we were all familiar with were made in a different slice of time? Who would be in it? Who would direct it? So here we are...
  • "Groundhog Day" What If... Poster © 2012 by Peter Stults
  • "Drive" What If... Poster © 2012 by Peter Stults
  • "2001: Odyssee Im Weltraum" What If... Poster © 2012 by Peter Stults
  • "Unbreakable" What If... Poster © 2012 by Peter Stults
  • "The Hangover" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Inception" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Pulp Fiction" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Die Hard" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "The Fifth Element" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "The Big Lebowski" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Trainspotting" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Superman: The Movie" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Rushmore" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "For Special Services" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "Avatar" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "The Terminator" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults
  • "The Terminator II" What If... Poster © 2011 by Peter Stults

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